Reviewer: Joan R. Fields, Silver Springs, Maryland
This book has MOVIE written on every one of its 252 pages. The frills and thrills are electric!Each chapter painted a picture for me to visualize and enjoy.
The characters, the poetry, the music, the food, the parties, the fun came alive and welcomed me into the magic!
Solomon, one of the main characters, made me wish we could have our own ‘man factory’ to create the man of our dreams.
It was truly a breath-taking experience from the 'party over here' beginning to the awesome ending!
Reviewer: L. Cynthia Edgecombe, Nassau, Bahamas. “In the Biblical Sense,” is a novel that should be read by those who want a clear understanding of how to love biblically. From start to finish, it kept you wanting more and more. There is no doubt that a sequel must be on its way. I enjoyed the closeness of the family and the caring for the one you love. The author truly has a heart of love and for love. She expressed her God given gift in this book, which should be read by all. Sheba is a strong woman, who knows who she is and realizes that life could be wonderful and exciting with Solomon in her world. They both show respect for one another. I loved how the story painted the scenery in the mountain and on the beach, which transformed you into the love story. Ones imagination was taken through this love story, reading on and looking for more. I look forward to reading the sequel soon. ******************************************************************************** Warm Feeling! Reviewer: Barbara Ellis , Maywood, Illinois. |
I absolutely loved this book. I couldn't put it down until I finished iIn The Biblical Sense is not your normal romance novel, it is so much better. Sheba the main character was on a mission and the author's writing style took me along. I am hooked on this style of writing. I laughed and I felt pain but most of all I felt love. A great read. After reading Biblical Sense I had such a warm feeling I had to tell my reading friends about it. You won't be disappointed. Ms Vaughn congratulations and please don't make us wait too long for the sequel . ********************************************************************
TO SWEET? This is a tale that I assume is loosely based on the Song of Soloman and explores the romance of Sheba a Phd in Music and Soloman a successful architect.
Now, in no way am I a cynic and I definitely enjoy a good romance but this was just too much. Vaughan makes a cursory attempt at including her own lyrics which are just really over the top.
I struggled with this book and actually did not finish it. I skipped ahead to the last chapter hoping that it would spark an interest and make me want to go back and read more. Instead it just made me glad I did not waste my time and try to finish it. I mean they fell in love on the first date. He proposed on the second date. I can't figure out what took so long to get to the wedding!
**************************************************** Dreams, Romance and Love! Reviewer: Margaret C. Anin, Ghana, West Africa Cecilia Vaughn's way of writing is definitely unique. The suspense of love and romance is so captivating and intriguing that one cannot stop reading. All you want to do is to read and stop only when the story is finished. Sheba, the main character of the story is very well created. Being a busy college professor, little did one think she would have time enough for such a fulfilling romance. However, Throughout the novel, she moves from one great, interesting event to the other. From the moment the story starts, vivid descriptions of Sheba's family makes one sit up to learn more of what is up the author's sleeves. Sheba decides to move to a quiet place to concentrate on writing her musical piece only to fall in love like never before. Love over takes her and she is in a different world altogether. Her calm nature makes one wonders what her next move will be. Cecilia Vaughn does well with the language and theme. The flow of her work is very good. Though this is a suspense, never did she deviate from the theme. My heart pounded faster than normal when reading this book. This is because just when you think you are getting to the climax of the suspense, boom, down a slight decline you go and start again. I am sure Cecilia deliberately organized it this way and said to herself, "No, not so fast buddies, read on." This made reading the book very interesting, because you are always eager to know what is coming next. As for the food, the mountainous scenery and the descriptions of all the other scenes, they have been so well described. This makes your mouth water and makes you feel as though you are at that place at the time of reading. Oh my, names like "mountain goat" keep coming back to you and one wonders the cuteness of this young man, Solomon Quinn. Well, I hope this is developed into a movie or a theatrical concert where we can see it being played by humans. Here one can really enjoy the emotions just as much as portrayed in the novel. This is definitely a story both men and women will enjoy reading. As for the sequel, do I need to say anything? I just cannot wait!
CECILIA VAUGHN'S, In the Biblical Sense